best Diploma in Personal Training course

Diploma in Personal Training (DPT)

The Diploma in Personal Training course prepares personal trainers with our comprehensive 200 hours learning process with extensive theory and practical classes. This course is accredited by PD:Approval and recognised by REPS India. Membership of REPS India will provide successful graduates with professional recognition & opportunity of international portability to REPs registers globally.

Why you need to be a Certified Personal Trainer ?

Gain the knowledge to prevent injuries to your clients

Gain authenticity & Be respected in the Fitness Industry

Earn a Fortune & Celebrate life by Pursuing your Passion

Transform into A Celebrity Personal Trainer

How to Get Certified ?

Join Ibis & Attend 52 days Intensive Course

Learn Anatomy & Physiology, Client motivation Strategies, Health and Safety, Exercise Principles, Workout Postures, Client Workout programming, etc.

Get Personalized Guidance on Assessments and Complete the same

Clear the tests, Get Certified. Start your Fabulous Fitness Journey.

Join Now !

    What you will Learn ?

    • Course duration – 50 working days
    • Theory hours – 90 hours
    • Practical sessions – 110 hours
    • Class schedule – Monday to Saturday, 4 hours per day

    • Learners can employ different energy systems in the body.
    • Learners can employ the general principals of healthy eating
    • Learners can develop a healthy eating plan

    • Learner can prepare feedbacks to the clients after the screening and assessment.
    • The learner can choose how to perform the fitness test, perform the test, knows about his strength and weaknesses.
    • Learner can analyze the client better by working with them, is able to do better assessment of the client.
    • Learner can discuss about different theories and models of behavior change
    • Learner can ensure customer satisfaction by dealing with their client complaints

    Learners can employ the science of various body movements and can apply the principles of biomechanism to program design

    The learner can discuss Health and safety Policies and procedures and prepare and respond to emergency situations.

    • Learner can construct program cards, 6-week plan, using different methods of training.
    • Learner can employ different workouts, with the right intensity level for the clients, and provide feedback to the clients

    Certificates Issued

    Ibis – IACET Transcript

    NSQF Level 5 Personal Trainer




    Ibis CPT Certificate with 20 IACET CEUs

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